Advanced Novice – SP Results

Advanced Novice – SP Results

Advanced Novice have finished their competition with short program. Standing first after short program is Naomi Mugnier from France, second is Mona Sofia Tahk from Estonia and third is Marta María Jóhannsdóttir from Iceland.
Competition for Advanced Novice will continue tomorrow att 13:15 pm.

Press here to see judges details per skater.

Stúlknaflokkur A /Advanced Novice SP.

Nú hafa Advanced Novice lokið keppni með stutta prógramið. Efst stendur Naomi Mugnier frá Frakklandi með 33.43 stig, önnur er Mona Sofia Tahk með 30.01 stig og þriðja er Marta María Jóhannsdóttir með 28.89 stig.
Keppni heldur áfram hjá þeim á morgun klukkan 13.15 með frjálsa prógramið.

Sjá stigagjöf hvers keppanda hér.


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