Vetrarmót ÍSS: Uppfærð mótatilkynning
Síðasta mót ÍSS á þessu tímabili er Vetrarmótið sem haldið er í Egilshöll að þessu sinni. Hér er hægt að nálgast uppfærða mótatilkynningu
Síðasta mót ÍSS á þessu tímabili er Vetrarmótið sem haldið er í Egilshöll að þessu sinni. Hér er hægt að nálgast uppfærða mótatilkynningu
Today was the last day of Figure Skating at RIG 2018 The Icelandic Skating Association would like to thank all participants, skaters, coaches, families, fans and volunteers, for a great weekend of beautiful skating and exciting results ! We started the day with Junior Ladies.The crowd was excited to see …
Day two at RIG Competition today started with Advanced Novice Girls, Free Program.After the short program Naomi Dufour, FRA, was in the lead. Viktoría Lind Björnsdóttir, ISL, was second and Annaëlle Clermidy, FRA, was third. It was close, only 0.37 points between first and second place and only 0.61 pints …
First day of Figure Skating at RIG 2018 Today was our Interclub competitionWe had a great day, with beautiful skating and fun programs. In Chicks we had 14 skaters competing. The score was close between the top skaters. Oksana Pachot, FFSG, finished first with 24.51 points. Shania Drieu, FFSG, was …
Schedule for the RIG event, along with further information, is now online at the RIG18 website.You can find all information needed there. We want to use the opportunity to remind all competitors to send in all missing forms as soon as possible.It is important that all competitors send in their Music …
Verðlaunapallur Advanced Novice Ísold Fönn með þjálfara sínum, Iveta Reitmayerova Grand Prix Bratislava fór fram í 59. skipti dagana 15.-17. desember. Ísold Fönn Vilhjálmsdóttir keppti þar fyrir Íslands hönd í keppnisflokkun Advanced Novice og gerði sér lítið fyrir og nældi sér í gullverðlaun. Hún var með 93.39 heildarstig úr báðum …
Norðurlandamótið í listhlaupi á skautum er haldið í Rovaniemi, Finnlandi, 31.janúar – 4.febrúar nk. Að þessu sinni sendir Íslands 11 keppendur til þátttöku. 4 keppendur í Advanced Novice Girls, 4 keppendur í Junior Ladies og 3 keppendur í Senior Ladies. Eftirfarandi skautarar hafa verið valdir Advanced Novice: 1. …
Skautasamband Íslands tilnefnir Kristínu Valdísi Örnólfsdóttur sem skautakonu ársins 2017.Kristín Valdís æfir með Skautafélagi Reykjavíkur og er þetta í fyrsta sinn sem hún hlýtur nafnbótina Skautakona ársins. Þjálfari Kristínar er Guillaume Kermen. Kristín Valdís hefur náð viðmiðum inn í úrvalshóp ÍSS í Junior flokki og keppti í þeim keppnisflokk á …
The Competitors List, along with further information, is now online at the RIG18 website.You can find all information needed there. We want to use the opportunity to remind all competitors to send in all the complete forms as soon as possible.