Norðurlandamótið hófst í dag Norðurlandamótið 2017 hófst í Egilshöll í dag með keppni í Novice A stúlkur. Alls voru 20 stúlkur mættar til leiks 14yrs & younger girls/Junior B Ladies Now we have concluded the competition in 14 years and younger B and Junior B. The girls all did great Medalist 12y & younger girls and 13y & younger boys The girls in 12 years and younger have finished their competition. There we saw some great moves. The winner The Final Results for 8yrs & 10yrs 8 years & younger/10 years & younger girls Now the youngest two groups in the Interclub Competition have finished. In Advanced Novice - SP Results Advanced Novice have finished their competition with short program. Standing first after short program is Naomi Mugnier from France, second RIG 2017 er að hefjast The Figure skating Competition on Reykjavik International Games 2017 / RIG 2017 is about to start. The Figure skating Competition Mentor Torun Cup 2017 Kristín Valdis Örnólfsdóttir, Margrét Sól Torfadóttir, Dóra Lilja Njálsdóttir, Viktoría Lind Björnsdóttir úr SR, og Eva Dögg Sæmundsdóttir og Herdís Herdís Birna fulltrúi Íslands European Youth Olympics Festival (EYOF) 2017 Þann 11.-18. febrúar næstkomandi mun fara fram European Youth Olympics Festival (EYOF) í Erzurum, Ísold Fönn keppir erlendis Ísold Fönn Vilhjálmsdóttir er 10 ára skautari frá Skautafélagi Akureyrar og keppir í flokknum 12 ára og yngri A hér Skylduæfingar & kríteria « Previous 1 … 30 31 32